Welcome to the Travelodge

May 16, 2010

It's Tuesday and we have been staying at the Travelodge. Everyday we have too keep extending our stay because we have been having no luck finding a place. It's been basement apartment units on the crack smoking side of town, or attic units in people's houses in the crack smoking side of town. All located in a town called Dennis. We have been warned to stay away from there. Now I know why. When you think of Cape Cod, you don't think of druggies and scary white trash and stabbings occurring at nightclubs, but I guess they have it too. Says the locals, anyways. Only witnessed the a few of the following.

Random act of kindness.
So I had spend half the night emailing every Realtor and rental company I could find around this place and was having no luck. Because the Cape is so seasonal, everyone hones in on the summer time, makes a bunch of money and leaves, and all the rentals are bought out this time of year. So oddly enough, I got a response back saying that there was two apartments in Orleans that were nice and they gave the owner's phone number. Orleans was a really pretty little town that we found randomly and just fell in love with. Its a nicer town and not a lot of openings at all, so this seemed like some real luck. We called the guy and made an appointment to see it the next day. It was so cute. LOVED it. The only problem was that a couple had came and saw it the day before us and he had given first dibs to them. Boo. Then he asked how did we even know the place was for rent, he hadn't posted it on any site yet and had just put the for rent sign out that day. I explained about the email from the person who I thought might have been his assistant of some kind. Turned out, it was the guy that had saw the place before us the following day. Weird. he worked for a housing company that I has emailed, but was not linked to or working for the renter at all. So strange, but worked out for us. Later on that night I had called and asked a few questions and expressed my love for the place and he said if we really wanted it, it could be ours. Yay!

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