May 12, 2010
I didn't find this out until after the torrential downpour we had gone through was actually a Tornado warning through the whole state! I knew it was dangerous when I lost all vision of the bright red tail lights of the truck that was 20 feet in front of me. In hindsight, we probably should have all pulled over, but because we we were on a time crunch now, and were behind almost 2 days, we were racing the clock. Because of the truck breaking down, Colorado had put us back almost 2 days. Roxi was due in Boston on Saturday the 15th and his parents in Providence at 6am on Sunday. Iowa sucked the whole way. Super gloomy and didn't stop raining the entire time. One fun thing that happened, we stopped at a gas station for a gas/bathroom break and right there as I was handing the cashier my money for my tootsie rolls, the hole place went black. I guess it was the second power outage of the night. Talk about awkward. Just us five, and this lady. The bad part was his dad was in the middle of a 200.00 cash transaction with the ATM and the machine went out and when it finally rebooted, no money. Boo. The lights were back on at this point, I paid for my tootsies and we got an 800 number to call the bank about the ATM snafu and we were Illinois bound.
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